Pengaruh BI Rate (Suku Bunga Acuan) Terhadap Inflasi

Eman Singgih


Measurement of Inflation with CPI in Indonesia is grouped into 7 expenditure groups (based on the
Classification of individual consumption by purpose - COICOP), namely: 1. Foodstuffs Group 2.
Processed Foods, Beverages, Cigarettes and Tobacco Groups 3. Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and
Fuel Groups 4. Clothing Groups 5. Health Groups 6. Education, Recreation and Sports Groups 7.
Transport Groups, Communication and Financial Services. The 7 groups all touched the life needs of all
Indonesian citizens living in the country. If it lasts long and continuously it will obviously affect the
difficulties of life. To overcome this, the monetary economic instrument must play an active role in
controlling inflation and play an effective role so that inflation can be stabilized through a policy of
adjusting Bank Indonesia's benchmark interest rate with the BI Rate. The BI Rate must be set by Bank
Indonesia as the central bank appropriately by taking into account the broad economic aspects and
fostering optimism among economic actors. The magnitude of the BI rate is determined by the increase
or decrease of how many basis points the Bank Indonesia reference base serves as a reference for state
and private bank banks to determine the deposit interest rate and loan interest rates and others.
Keywords: Inflation, BI rate.

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